Until Death Do Your Part

I was working on my previous book, and one of my proofreaders found this error in my wedding vows… Until death do your part. Her comment, “Well, you have a typo, but I like it is actually a better vow.”  Isn’t that the truth? Marriage is one of the greatest places to learn how to become […]

Just Stay

For the better part of twenty years, I sat under one of the most respected theologians of our time, the late Dr. D. James Kennedy at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. The things that God accomplished through him were amazing. He reached the four corners of the earth with the Gospel through Evangelism Explosion. He spoke God’s truth […]

Tick Love

What kind of love do you have for your lover?  Is it tick love? I recently attended one of the how-to-do life seminars hosted by Dr. Norman Wise of Living Waters Christian Counseling. He painted perhaps the best picture of what often derails marriages. He said that as singles, we feel unhappy. We meet the […]

What do Wedding Vows Have in Common with a Prenuptial Agreement?

The reaction to the idea of a prenuptial agreement can range from a frown to a broken engagement. No surprise there. The typical secular prenuptial agreement is offensive and little more than a dating arrangement. Typical Secular Agreement I promise to stay married until you don’t make me happy anymore, and then I’ll take the stuff that […]

Are Prenuptial Agreements Biblical?

The very first online buyer of my book called me early one morning under the guise of asking a question about page something of my book. His call was really a call for help. He and his fiancee had been to the pastor for premarital counseling. When he brought up the idea of a prenup, […]

Should Christians Have Prenuptial Agreements?

Because I work in the divorce arena as a forensic CPA, many of my friends are divorce attorneys. When I got married, most insisted, “You are going to have a prenup, aren’t you?” As a good little Christian girl, I initially exclaimed, “No! Christians don’t have prenups.” But I reconsidered and changed my answer to, […]