About the Writer

Not your ordinary author…


Patricia Hartman is, of all things, a forensic CPA who works with clients going through divorce. She has also led single mom’s ministries at churches as well as worked as a DivorceCare facilitator. Having witnessed the devastating effects of divorce first-hand, Patricia has adopted a passion for saving marriages before they start.

[Learn More about the Author]


Have you always just said “no” to prenups?

Do you know why couples should not only consider a prenup, but should not get married without one?

If Christians can, by the signing of a document, counter anti-biblical law, shouldn’t they?

Doesn’t God have a prenup with us, His bride?

Engaged Couples

Why should every Christian couple use a prenuptial agreement?

What changes legally when you marry?

What’s the difference between a secular and a Christian Prenup?

Will you have a marriage that will count for eternity?

Are you even on the same page?


What’s the difference between a secular and Christian prenup?

What does the Bible require of Christian couples as they enter marriage?

How can a prenup be crafted to align with Christian vows promised at the altar?

How can you help a couple honor God with their agreement?

his-and-hersHer dream…

I know he wants to settle in Florida, but I’d like to move to New York City and get an apartment overlooking Central Park. We’ll have one child, get a nanny, and I’ll be back to work in six weeks. I don’t want to give up all I worked so hard to achieve.

His hopes…

I can’t wait to settle down near my parents. We’ll get a big house with a big yard for our kids. I know once  we have kids, she’ll want to stay home with them. We’ll have a large family like mine. We’ll be able to home school our kids, just like my parents did.